Whether you’re breeding Pugs or Pekingese, we know it’s more than just a hobby – it’s a passion. That’s why with domestic animal breeders insurance, you can continue doing what you love knowing you’re protected by a team that’s just as enthusiastic about animals as you are.
GET A QUOTEAs a breeder, you put your heart and soul into raising happy and healthy animals. But breeding animals isn’t without its challenges.
With over 50 years’ experience, we’ve been working with breeders like you for a long time. That means we’re well-placed to provide you with domestic animal breeding insurance that’s tailored to your requirements.
So, whether you're a breeder of cats, dogs, birds or reptiles, we're here to provide the coverage you need to protect your business and animals.
This insurance policy is suitable for people and businesses who are looking to cover public liability for dog, cat and domestic animal breeding. It not suitable for those looking to cover vet fees for their own animals.
There are four main types of insurance you need if you are a domestic animal breeder. All are included in our insurance policy.
Public liability – designed to protect you against liability claims for injury caused to third parties or damage to their property as a result of your negligence. For instance, if an animal escapes and injures a member of the public.
The standard limit is £5 million, but it can be extended to £10 million for an additional premium.
Products liability – this covers the club up to £5 million if injuries or damages arise as a result of a defective product that your business had supplied.
Care, custody and control – cover is provided for any claim made against you for injury, loss or death of an animal while in the care, custody or control of you or an employee where there is liability. For example, a dog in your care for breeding purposes is injured.
Non-negligent cover – cover incidents where there is no negligence or fault on the business’ part, but a third party still experiences a loss or injury. For example, a dog jumps up at the kennel door, lands awkwardly and injures its leg.
The breeding of domestic animals and taking animals used for breeding to shows.
Employers’ liability – if you have paid, voluntary or self-employed helpers working for your business, you are legally required to have this insurance as this will provide cover should they suffer an injury while at work while at work. The amount of cover provided is £10 million.
Personal accident – provides financial compensation should the insured party be injured while carrying out business activities. You can choose from benefits of up to £250 per week. This section includes a lump sum compensation for accidental death, permanent loss of sight and/or limbs and total disablement.
Please note that this does not cover any pre-existing conditions or illness, or any injury sustained whilst commuting to or from work.
Professional indemnity – protects your business should you offer professional advice for a fee, such as advising on training techniques, and it results in either a physical or financial loss. The resultant claims can be covered up to a standard of £500,000, however we are now able to offer lower levels of cover (£100,000 and £250,000) at reduced premiums.
Equipment and property – we can cover your organisation’s property and equipment, from small items (such as handheld equipment) to large (such as bedding and feedstuff). We are also able to arrange cover for commercial premises, business interruption, theft of money and your home. If you are running your business from your own home, we recommend that you also notify your home insurer.
Legal expenses - this is designed to protect you from unexpected legal costs arising from business risks. Find out more.
The following excesses are applicable to the business policy only.
Liability excesses
Property excesses
Terms of Business
Provision of Service Statement
The public liability policy is underwritten by Aspen Insurance UK services.
Equipment and property is underwritten by Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc.
Commercial Combined Key Facts
Combined Liability Policy Wording
Notice to policy holders - September 2024
Legal expenses policy is underwritten by ARAG Legal Expenses Insurance Company Limited.
Legal Expenses – Key Facts
Legal Expenses Policy Wording
Important information about our direct debit payment option
We want to make sure that you understand the necessary insurance terms found within our website. This summary should explain anything that you may be unsure of.
Negligence – failure to take proper care
Premium – cost of the insurance policy
Excess – the first part of any claim payable by you
Business interruption – provides cover for loss of income following damage to the premises from which you work. It does not provide cover for pandemics.
Incapacity – inability to carry out activities
Liability – legal responsibility
Benefit – payment made
Compensation – payment made in recognition of loss or injury
Non-invasive – does not penetrate the skin
Banned breed – dogs which are illegal in the UK: American Pit Bull Terrier, Dogo Argentino, Japanese Tosa, Fila Brasilerio and XL Bully.
Indemnity – covers compensation for loss or damage.
Common ownership – the use of land by one or more people, which is owned by someone else
DWAA – Animals listed on the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976
Having worked in the insurance industry for nearly 3 years before joining Cliverton, it’s so nice now to combine my love of animals with my enjoyment of working in insurance!
As well as taking my dog Raya for long walks, I also work on a farm at the weekends, so I still spend lots of time outdoors with animals.
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